Spring ’25 Mondays, Jan – May
We offer fun exercise and tumbling basics, including floor tumbling, springboard basics and low balance beam basics. We mix activities developing strength, flexibility and agility with fun progressions and obstacle courses. Instruction provided for tumbling, vaulting basics, balance beam & simplified bars.
12:05-12:35 Frogs, Turtles, *Bees, Bluebonnets (*Bees may be shifted to 12:40 class time)
12:40-1:10 Bears, Lions, Owls, Fish
1:15-1:45 Butterflies
Onsite escort arrange from the schoolroom to the upstairs gym for class and back.
Jan 13- May 19 (17 classes) $315 (proportional rate for more spring classes versus fall)
No class MLK Day nor Spring Break
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