First Baptist Academy – Primary & Lower Schools welcome on-site opportunity for students to discover the worlds of gymnastics and dance. The Tumbling Co. is partnering with the Shelly Reynold’s ‘Dance-n-Fun’ to conduct the ballet & tap dance classes.
Spring schedule:

Class Time Description Fee Class Location
9:25 – 10:00 Already 2’s Teddy Bears $260 rm 205
10:05–10:40 Already 2’s Ponies $260 rm 205
10:45–11:20 Already 2’s Puppies $260 rm 205
3:20 – 4:00 Pre-K 3-5’s. for kids needing early pick up $320 rm 216
4:05- 4:45 Pre-K 3-5’s for kids staying until 5 or later $320 rm 216
Dance (coed)- Wednesdays (Jan 8- May 7) 17 classes, plus 3-8 yrs have a Saturday Recital. Questions, Shelly @ 713-416-2544.
2- 5 year olds:
Class Time Description Fee Class Location
9:45-10:20 2’s Tippy Toe Ballet / Kid Hop Dance Fun & Praise $260 rm 205
10:25-11:00 2’s Tippy Toe Ballet / Kid Hop Dance Fun & Praise $260 rm 205
1:50-2:30 Pre-K 3-5’s Ballet / Tap / Kid Hop Dance Fun & Praise $320 rm 205
2:40-3:20 Pre-K 3’s Ballet / Tap / Kid Hop Dance Fun & Praise $320 rm 205
Bridge/Kinder & 1st-4th Grade:
3:40-4:30 Bridge/Kinder & 1st-4th grade Ballet/Tap/Jazz-Hip Hop $320 rm 216